Bryce ward

How to Make D&D Scary

How to Make D&D Scary

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a game that allows Dungeon Masters (DMs) and players to explore endless worlds of adventure, mystery, and excitement. But what if you want to add a little more fear to your campaign? Making D&D scary can elevate the experience, bringing a new level of intensity and thrill to your game. In this article, we’ll explore various techniques and tips to make your D&D sessions truly terrifying.

Understanding Fear in D&D

Fear is a powerful tool in D&D that can make your game more engaging and memorable. Understanding the different types of fear—such as suspense, dread, and terror—helps you apply them effectively.

Types of Fear

  • Suspense: The anticipation of something bad happening.
  • Dread: The feeling of impending doom.
  • Terror: The intense fear of immediate danger.

Creating a Scary Atmosphere

The atmosphere is key to making your D&D sessions scary. Think about the setting, mood, and sensory details.

Setting the Scene

Choose settings that evoke fear, such as abandoned castles, haunted forests, and dark dungeons. Use descriptive language to paint vivid pictures in the players’ minds.

Mood and Sensory Details

Incorporate sensory details like the sound of creaking floors, the smell of damp earth, and the sight of flickering shadows to immerse your players in the atmosphere.

Using Sound and Music

Sound and music can significantly enhance the fear factor in your game.

Background Music

Use eerie background music to set the tone. There are many playlists available online specifically designed for horror-themed D&D sessions.

Sound Effects

Sound effects like whispers, footsteps, and sudden loud noises can create jump scares and keep players on edge.

Lighting and Visuals

The visual environment can greatly influence the mood.

Dim Lighting

If you play in person, dim the lights to create a spooky atmosphere. For online games, use darker, eerie visuals in your virtual tabletop settings.

Visual Props

Use props like candles, old maps, and creepy figurines to add a tangible element of horror.

Crafting Scary Narratives

Crafting Scary Narratives

A well-crafted narrative is essential for a scary D&D session.

Story Arcs

Create story arcs that involve mystery, unexpected twists, and dark secrets. The uncertainty keeps players engaged and fearful of what’s to come.

Descriptive Language

Use descriptive and evocative language to build the scenes and convey the horror elements effectively.

Developing Terrifying NPCs

Non-player characters (NPCs) can either alleviate or amplify the horror in your game.

Villains and Monsters

Develop complex villains and monsters that evoke fear. Give them unsettling traits and backstories.

Allies with Secrets

Even allies can contribute to the fear factor if they have hidden motives or dark secrets.

Monsters that Frighten

Choosing the right monsters can make a big difference in the fear factor of your game.

Classic Horror Monsters

Incorporate classic horror monsters like vampires, werewolves, and ghosts. These familiar foes bring a sense of dread and terror.

Unique Creatures

Create unique creatures that challenge the players’ expectations and evoke fear through the unknown.

Incorporating Horror Tropes

Horror tropes can be very effective when used correctly.

Common Tropes

Use common horror tropes like cursed items, haunted locations, and doomed prophecies to build a scary atmosphere.

Subverting Tropes

Sometimes, subverting these tropes can also create fear by surprising the players and keeping them on their toes.

Psychological Horror in D&D

Psychological horror delves into the minds of the characters and players.

Mind Games

Incorporate mind games and hallucinations to create a sense of paranoia and uncertainty.

Character Flaws

Exploit the characters’ flaws and fears to create personal and psychological horror.

Building Tension and Suspense

Building tension and suspense is crucial for maintaining a scary atmosphere.


Control the pacing of your game to build suspense. Use slower moments to build tension and fast-paced scenes for sudden scares.


End sessions or scenes on cliffhangers to keep players in a state of anticipation and fear.

Using the Unknown

The unknown is one of the most powerful tools in creating fear.

Mystery and Ambiguity

Leave some elements of your story mysterious and ambiguous. The fear of the unknown can be more terrifying than any monster.

Hidden Information

Keep certain information hidden from the players, revealing it slowly to build suspense and fear.

Balancing Horror and Fun

Balancing Horror and Fun

While making D&D scary is fun, it’s important to balance horror with enjoyment.

Light Moments

Incorporate light moments and humor to provide relief from the constant tension. This contrast can make the scary moments even more effective.

Player Engagement

Ensure that all players are engaged and enjoying the game. Adjust the level of horror based on their reactions and comfort levels.

Player Consent and Comfort

Always prioritize the comfort and consent of your players when incorporating horror elements.

Setting Boundaries

Discuss boundaries and comfort levels with your players before starting a horror-themed campaign.

Safety Tools

Use safety tools like the X-card to ensure that players can indicate when they are uncomfortable with certain content.

Scary One-Shot Adventures

One-shot adventures are a great way to experiment with horror in D&D.

Planning a One-Shot

Plan a one-shot adventure with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Focus on creating a tight, intense experience.

Themes and Tropes

Choose a specific horror theme or trope to focus on for your one-shot, such as a haunted house or a cursed artifact.


Making D&D scary can elevate your game to new heights, providing thrilling and memorable experiences for your players. By understanding fear, creating a scary atmosphere, and balancing horror with fun, you can craft a D&D campaign that keeps your players on the edge of their seats. Remember to always prioritize player consent and comfort, ensuring that everyone has an enjoyable experience.


1. How can I make my D&D game scarier?

You can make your D&D game scarier by creating a spooky atmosphere, using sound and music, developing terrifying NPCs, and incorporating horror tropes.

2. What are some good monsters for a scary D&D campaign?

Classic horror monsters like vampires, werewolves, and ghosts are great for a scary D&D campaign. Unique creatures and mind-bending entities can also evoke fear.

3. How do I balance horror and fun in my D&D sessions?

Balance horror and fun by incorporating light moments and humor to provide relief from tension. Adjust the level of horror based on player reactions and comfort levels.

4. What should I consider when running a horror-themed D&D one-shot?

When running a horror-themed one-shot, focus on a clear and intense narrative, use a specific horror theme or trope, and ensure the adventure has a satisfying conclusion.

5. How can I ensure my players are comfortable with horror elements in D&D?

Ensure player comfort by discussing boundaries and comfort levels before the game, using safety tools like the X-card, and being responsive to player feedback during the session.

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